‘I well knew that one could break one’s arms and legs before, and that then afterwards that could get better but I didn’t know that one could break one’s brain and that afterwards that got better too.’
Vincent to his brother Theo, 28 January 1889
Open Up with Vincent
Open up with Vincent is a programme with which the Van Gogh Museum aims to contribute to an open dialogue on mental health, based on Vincent van Gogh’s life story and art.
Healing power of art
Throughout his life, Vincent van Gogh felt the healing power of art. It offered him solace and hope. To him, painting was the sole remedy for the mental issues with which he struggled. In his letters to his brother Theo, Vincent was open about his mental health; he wrote about his periods of crisis and recovery.
Academic research also confirmes that art has a positive effect on health and general well-being. The two-year pandemic greatly impacted our mental well-being, and many young adults indicate that they experience stress and sombre feelings. Precisely in these times, art can help to prevent or alleviate psychological issues.
The programme
The programme features a range of activities at the museum, on location and online. All the activities have been developed in collaboration with young adults, associations and professionals specialised in mental health.
At the museum
Mindful art viewings
The museum regularly organises mindful art viewing sessions. In 2024, the sessions in the temporary exhibition Matthew Wong | Vincent van Gogh: Painting as a Last Resort explore Matthew Wong's colourful landscapes. These special sessions invite you to take a different perspective, and truly see the art.
Yoga in the museum
Inspired by various works by Van Gogh including Almond Blossom and Butterflies and Poppies, participants travel through the seasons. A combination of classic yoga poses, meditation and mindfulness get you set for the day ahead.
At home
Meditation videos
At school
Teaching material in Dutch will be available for both primary and secondary schools:
- For children at primary schools, yoga and mediation videos are now available.
- Themed videos with assignments are available for students at secondary schools via Van Gogh at School education platform.
Programme via healthcare institutions in the Netherlands
- Mindfulness viewing and painting session in the museum's permanent collection.
- Painting workshops on location.